Peter Riden
2009-04-26 23:07:34 UTC
So....I wonder how long "Anna" is going to last in this incarnation? (Maybe
we could ask Tom Baker and see what he reckons!)
aka "Dr. Who."we could ask Tom Baker and see what he reckons!)
To explain the reference....
From the British sci-fi TV series. In the US it only runs on select
public television (public supported) TV stations so its audience in
the USA is a limited genre market.
The program is serial style, i.e. a story line carries on over several
installments or an entire season.
To resolve what to do when an actor no longer wants to play the key,
starring role of Dr Who, a time traveling "time lord," the program
devised a story line that time lords "evolve" changing shape, size,
and appearance, sort of like a catapillar and butterfly.
So at the end of one season when the key actor departs, he enters his
evolution stage, and when the program resumes next season Dr. Who
emerges as a new person with new looks and a new personality.
Tom Baker was one of the more beloved actors in the role and lasted
quite a number of years (decade or close to that), and is considered
the bench mark (by some) for the character.
An interesting observation and comparison.
I would also add it may also have some association with where they are
in therapy and taking their medications - or lack thereof.
People who continually post like that here over years and years, and
spend hours at a time reposting news clips from other sources are
clearly disturbed and may be better off being off the streets and in
care someplace.
You may also notice that "anna" also seems to post for as much as 5-8
hours straight at a time suggesting that person is accessing the
computer at work as opposed to at home when availability would show a
more random pattern.
This person could be working as a security guard (likely) given the
pattern fits such a work schedule. It is a person who has plenty of
time to sit for hours at a time in front of a computer and not be
worried by a supervisor catching them doing something they should not.
The time spans are most telling. Back date and look at the batches of
posts and when they begin and end. It's like punching a time clock in
and out.
This is a text book case for a shrink to present to a class of
TMA with TMI
frequency of posting I wouldn't even be able to match in a week.
"Anna" definitely would fit in that category.
I would add that you could include "retirees" as this would help
understand that my friend John is able to have a good frequency of
posting. Or "housewives" as this helps understand Terry "Miss
Congeniality" Wood's obvious daily frequency of postings.
But that is rather unimportant as compared to how it generates
reactions or not..;-)
Now back to Nude Recreation and its multiple options
In Friendship & Universality
Peter Riden {T.W.A.N. Founder}
T.W.A.N.'s very own Online Travel Agency
And opportunities:
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